“Patience is a Virtue, Being Anxious Just Might Hurt You”


Be Patient! A lot of people have been praying for a lot longer than you have and will be answered a lot later than you will. – Dylesia Hampton, LMSW

There are a lot of things I’m thankful for. One of my many blessings is having positive, inspiring friends that challenge, reassure, and push me to become the best version of me possible. A week ago I got this “random” text from a dear friend of mine, reminding me to be patient.

And boy was that reminder needed.

It’s so easy to get caught up in your own troubles, your own worries, that you fail to look around and see that there are other people who are just as much in dire need as you. It’s so easy to become so anxious that that the word “patience” itself seems almost synonymous to “it’s never going to happen.”

“Patience is a virtue, being anxious just might hurt you.” This isn’t just a line from Big Boi of OutKast (“Can’t Wait”), it’s pure truth. When you become too anxious, you show resistance to the current moment or struggle that you’re in. And resistance often causes persistence. Not only does your resistance make your problems last longer, but you miss out on all of the lessons and the blessings that have been strategically placed in this moment for you to take along with you once you do get exactly what you’ve been praying for.

What are you saying Dennii?

I’m saying, calm down! Everything that you’re asking for is on it’s way. Worrying won’t make it come any quicker. Worrying won’t stop the struggle in it’s tracks. Instead, it will only make the rainfall seem that much heavier. Learn to appreciate whatever your process is, add action to that prayer, and simply wait. What you’re praying for is already there, the universe is just waiting for you to catch up to it. And you will! Just be patient. Blog Sig

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