Happy Weekend!!


When you hear the word “Weekend”, many of you (without small children that will wake you up at 6 am) may automatically think “ahhh, rest.” And while the sight of the back of your eyelids, the warm feeling from under your comforters, not to mention not having to set your alarm clocks probably sounds like the best weekend ever, chances are it could be a lot better.

Catching up on the zzz’s stolen from you throughout the week is a great thing, but spending the day in bed or even just in the house all day is a sure way to be one of those people who ask every Monday, “Where did the weekend go?” Contrary to popular belief, getting proper rest doesn’t have to only involve sleep and staying in. You can get just as much, if not more, mental clarity and rest by getting out.

Get out, get moving, do something this weekend. Get a few more extra zzzz’s but make the most of your day. Start or catch up on your hobbies, go sit in the park or take a walk, actually use your gym membership, just find something to do that isn’t in your normal weekly routine to enjoy. If it’s having time to actually make and eat breakfast, or taking a longer time on dinner to make something better than your average weekly casserole, do that! Don’t spend Saturday and Sunday dreading the return of Monday. The weekend isn’t to be wasted on normalcy and sleep, the weekend is to be wasted enjoying it to it’s fullest capacity. All the time you can’t afford to waste on your living during the weekdays is the time you should be allowed to waste happily on the weekend. You’ve waited all week for these 2 1/2 days anyway, might as well make the most of them!

Happy Weekend Folks! Don’t sleep in too late!

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