Motivational Monday: We Are All The Same


“We all live with the objective of being happy; Our lives are all different and yet the same” -Anne Frank

This past weekend was my sister’s 25th birthday celebration and we spent 2 whole days at 2 different festivals surrounded by hundreds of jolly, drinking people.

After seeing so many different faces, so many colors, so many styles, and so many unique features, I was reminded of our likeness… while we’re all different, we are all yet still the same.

Because we’ve been taught by society (and religion in some cases) to learn people visually before we get to know them inwardly, we miss this fundamental truth daily. We become so obsessed with each others differences that we totally forget to search or even think about what connects us all.

Our looks may be different, our intentions and goals in life may be different, we may learn differently or speak different languages, our race and gender or sexual orientation might be different, our choices in clothes and practiced faith and past times may be different, and yet the building blocks that make us human still make us all the same. We all essentially need the same things to live, we experience the same feelings, we’re all born the same way and when we die, we’ll all be dead the same way.

We are all human, no matter how weird or not weird we may be.

As you go through your week, take a moment to appreciate the strangers you pass by. You don’t have to stop them and even say anything to them. Just pass them, changing the thought that they are complete strangers to the thought that they are just like you. I wholeheartedly believe that the moment we stop focusing on all of our differences and instead focus on our similarities, the world as we know it could be healed.

Compassion is the goal here. If you can change your perspective, you can change the whole world.

Happy Monday!

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