Spring Your Beauty Forward- Health Check


So we’ve covered hair care and how to get your skin smooth and glowing by exfoliating, but now that we’ve officially reached spring, its time to go a little deeper. Winter has a way of making you… well, fat. The foods you eat are normally heavier and with all of the snow days that we’ve had (at least in Virginia), I’m sure most of us spent those days pigging out on salty and sweet snacks while binging on Netflix… or was that just me? Anyway, we all can use a refreshing course on some health facts that can help us prepare our bodies for the brighter days ahead.

Drink Water

I won’t bore you with facts about how much water you should drink a day and all of the health benefits of drinking more water because I’m sure you are already aware and it probably still hasn’t made drinking water any more fun. Here’s a website that does however cover all of that and here’s a website that better explains the calculation of how much water you should drink. All in all, you should be drinking a lot of water a day. And the more water you drink, the younger, brighter, and healthier you’ll look and feel. I’ll admit water is not my first choice of beverage because personally I believe every meal taste better with a Pepsi. But I find that staying focused on the goal makes doing anything a little bit easier to do. Putting lemons or other fruits in your water can make drinking water a little more enjoyable. Whatever you have to do to get it done, do it. Not only will it rejuvenate youthful beauty, but it will also give you the hydration that you’ll be needing in the incoming months.

Exercise at least 1 time a week (and then work your way up to more)

Once again, I don’t want to beat you in the head with things that you already know is something that everyone should be doing. You know you should exercise, and for those who don’t exercise at all for whatever reason, don’t beat yourselves up about not doing it. Exercise isn’t the easiest and most convenient thing to do when you have a life. As much as I wish I was a gym rat and could like Massy from Instagram, that super power hasn’t been reached yet. I’m sure it’s coming but it just hasn’t got here yet. In the meantime, I’m trying to change my mind about how I feel about the gym. I try to look at it more like a spa experience (I stole that from Terry Crews). Again, if you stay focused on the goal rather than the work required, you’ll have a better chance at getting results. Just start going at least once a week whenever you have at least 30 minutes to spare. Even if you go and not really work out, just go. Terry Crews says that the act of going to the gym is more important than the actual workout. And while just gong to the gym won’t help you reach significant weight goals or muscles, it will at least increase your activity level which is just as important. Get a membership at a gym that offers free classes and take something that interests you like Zumba or my personal favorites, cycling and body pump. The great thing (and bad thing) about working out in these days is that with the help of technology and YouTube, getting a good workout in doesn’t have to just happen with an expensive trainer or a gym. There are great apps such as this one and you can find a YouTube on basically any exercise you could think of. There are plenty of excuses to not work out but, really, there aren’t any. Modes of exercise are always available to you at any given moment. Start doing it once a week and then add a day as you go.

Eating Clean Cleaner

Once again, this is something that you’ve seen many times and people on your timeline will probably make you feel guilty about your food choices daily, but don’t feel too bad. Most of those people who talk about healthy food don’t take a picture of the cravings that they have and their cheat days. Your health journey is your health journey and if you’re someone who feeds an entire family and not just yourself, changing your diet from chicken wings to making green smoothies with kale is not going to be a walk in the park. The key is to start making healthier choices. Instead of having only starches for your side dishes, find veggies for substitutes. Go for the fruit for breakfast instead of the pastry. Eating cleaner is doable, regardless of how hard or expensive it may feel at first. No, it’s not always the most convenient, but think about it this way, every time you eat you’re either feeding disease or preventing it. So start making substitutes and avoid binge eating. And if you do happen to binge, let it be on carrots or unsalted nuts, something with few calories and some kind of health value.

Notice that I didn’t say anything about losing weight in this post. There’s a reason for that. Far too often we get the idea that being skinny or smaller is being healthier, and that’s not true. Yes, a thin waist line can be a benefit of changing your health, but that’s doesn’t have to be the goal if you don’t want it to be. What you should focus on is feeling better. Yes, that chicken wing will make you full, but that meatless salad will make you feel better in the long run. The most important thing to remember when challenging your health habits is to not be so hard on yourself. Why? Because it never works! Feeling negative about yourself barely brings anything other than negative results. Treat yourself for accomplishments you make and work hard to meet your goals. Find a support group that will help you to remember to drink water or workout (and if you don’t have any friends, there’s an app for that). I’ve learned that changing your health habits enhances your ability to show self-love. You’ll feel better, look better, and you’ll be better. And who doesn’t want to be a little better? We all can suffer from low motivation sometimes, but when it comes to health, before anything, your motivation should be to love yourself better. This isn’t saying that if you don’t workout or eat healthy foods you don’t love yourself. But I am saying that you will love yourself a lot more when you’re in your best health. If you’re not willing to do it for you, then do it for the person that needs you alive the most. Do the best you can, and then do better. You’ll thank yourself later.

Happy Spring!


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