A Little Pep Talk- “Programming Your Mind For Success”


I know that I post a lot about staying positive and motivated… and really, most of the time it isn’t for the readers, but it’s more so to keep my own spirits up. Throughout my life I’ve learned that a positive outlook will maintain you longer than a negative one, no matter what life is handing you at the moment. And for that reason, I try to find as much inspiration to feed my mind to keep me from developing those self-damaging thoughts that come out of no where.

One thing that I’ve started doing is listening to Podcasts or Ted Talks in the morning to give my positivity a jump start instead of grabbing my phone and immediately heading to social media land. I fell upon this inspirational 15 minute Ted Talk by Carrie Green, who is a young entrepreneur. In this talk, she speaks about how programming your mind for success is the key to actually achieving it. Take a moment to give it a listen…

Did it inspire you like it inspired me? I sure hope so! Like Carrie said, success is not accidental, and living a good life is not accidental. These things happen on purpose. And in order to make these things happen, you have to take control over your mind and program it to think successfully. It’s a good (and scary) feeling to know that you are the only thing standing in the way to reaching success. Are you ready to get your mind right and get out of your own way?

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